Deco's Story / Travel

Blooms of Serenity: My First Encounter with Lotuses at Shinobazu Pond

In the middle of July 2023, I headed to Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Park to check out lotuses for the first time. Picture this: loads of lotuses blooming on one side of this huge pond right in the heart of Tokyo. It was truly a sight to see.

That day marked the first time I laid eyes on a giant lotus that stood as tall as me. Since the flowers close up in the afternoon, I broke my night owl habits and got up early. The crisp morning air was so invigorating, a welcome change for someone used to staying up late.

The prime time to catch these beauties is around a month, giving you the flexibility to go whenever. What’s even cooler is that this time, I got a tip from someone strolling in the neighborhood about a white lotus. Turns out, even my neighbors hadn’t seen one before, so I felt super fortunate. It was a priceless experience that I hope to repeat every year. Already looking forward to next summer for another round of lotus awesomeness!

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